Plastic Surgery Marketing Case Study: 363% Increase In Leads In 30 Days!

Digital marketing in the plastic surgery industry is a complex operation with many moving parts. It’s easy to see that things aren’t going in the right direction, but more difficult to see the solutions when you’re so busy trying to run the day-to-day operations of your practice. That’s why it helps to work with a marketing consultant who specializes in plastic surgery marketing and can turn around wayward results, boosting conversions, and implementing the latest marketing automation, lead management, and marketing tools. Here’s how our custom plastic surgery marketing plan helped Dr. Grawe transform her online presence and increase plastic surgery leads by 363%.

Our Client

ROXY Plastic Surgery is a leading practice out of Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Grawe’s all-female plastic surgery center has healthy offline referrals and rave reviews online, but her website and social media pages weren’t performing as she hoped it would. Like many busy plastic surgeons, she was trying to do it all herself and still run her practice. The blogs were short and promotional and didn’t connect with readers in a meaningful way. Social media posts were sparse and infrequent.

Plastic Surgery Marketing Challenges & Solutions
Timeframe: September 2022 — Current
Problem #1: Patient communication took up a lot of time and effort, but failed to produce consistent results.

Solution: We took Dr. Grawe’s manual lead management process and introduced them to marketing automation software that would help follow up with existing patients and nurture prospects. Pre-surgery and post-surgery email campaigns were a crucial starting point. Targeted email marketing campaigns based on prospect interests and online lead management would ensure that no fresh opportunities to connect were lost. We also employed monthly newsletters and the creation of a lead-generating eBook: 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Getting Breast Implants and 6 Hair Transplant Myths Solved.

Problem #2: Leads were not coming in from social media outlets.

Solution: We recommended that Dr. Grawe branch out and make waves on newer social networks like Instagram and Snapchat to set her practice apart from the masses and connect with new audiences. We also recommended the use of videos on YouTube and RealSelf to put a more personal spin on their social media marketing.

Problem #3: There are not enough hours in the day to churn out the high-quality content the practice needs.

Solution: With our healthcare content marketing services, we helped Dr. Grawe put together two eBooks, assisted with SEO-friendly copywriting, blog marketing, and press releases to keep a continuous stream of informative content flowing. Strategic linking, keyword research and content curation were other areas we bolstered.

Problem #4: ROXY Plastic Surgery wasn’t showing up on the first page of Google results for important keywords.

Solution: We took a holistic SEO approach with both on-page and off-page optimization. We acquired high-quality backlinks, built up local citations, optimized website and blog posts and placed keywords in strategic locations to help her sites get discovered.

Problem #5: The practice wasn’t sure how to get started with digital advertising.

Solution: We brought the business up to speed with paid advertising via Google Adwords and helped the team create targeted lead generation advertisements that ultimately paid off.

Problem #6: Traffic was bouncing off the website, rather than following through and contacting the practice.

Solution: Website design and User Experience (UX) consulting guided ROXY Plastic Surgery toward a more functional, responsive site. We created custom contact forms and optimized landing pages that targeted a particular procedure or service to increase conversions.

Results After 1 Month
Google Analytics Screenshot Comparing Website Contact Form Submissions Post Mod Girl Revamp
Google Analytics Screenshot Comparing Website Performance Post Mod Girl Revamp
Google Search Console Screenshot Comparing Top Searches Post Mod Girl Revamp
Facebook Analytics Screenshot Comparing Facebook Referral Traffic +4K% Post Mod Girl Revamp
SEO Results After 3 Months
Screenshot of Google Search Results for Local Competitive Keywords

If you know your plastic surgeon SEO strategy and implementation could use some work, but aren’t 100% sure where to get started or how to get dramatic results like this in a short amount of time, contact us to request a free mini marketing audit, which includes a 30-minute lead strategy session with one of our expert one-to-one consultants. You’ll walk away with free advice on effective plastic surgery marketing strategies, as well as actionable tips to grow your practice, increase leads and acquire new patients fast. Should you need more, we’d be happy to form an ongoing partnership for continuing your plastic surgery marketing success.

*Note: We have worked with businesses of all types, but most of our clients are in the healthcare and technology sectors. Our in-depth understanding of marketing these particular industries has helped us get the best results for our partners.

Ready to increase your plastic surgery leads and grow your practice like ROXY Plastic Surgery?

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